Dear loving readers,
To achieve success, you need to master your attitude. It is fundamental to your success. You are what you think. So, your mindset is very closely related to your attitude. Your mindset will determine the type of attitude you desire. No doubts having the right attitude does not guarantee you success, but it can empower you to do so otherwise you would not do it.
Append below please find the roadmap to develop positive attitude.
1. Take responsibility
No doubts, circumstances or personal upbringing may have significant impact on an individual’s attitude, if left unchecked. However, we must be aware that attitude does not come from outside ourselves. It comes from within. So, if you are affected by the external factors, it means that you gave implied consent to them, that caused you to be out of control. At the end, you still have to take personal responsibility for it. By now, you should be able to see clearly that this is the very first step to take in order to develop positive attitude. You need to make a committed decision to take responsibility and shape your attitude.
2. Assess your present situation
Before you take a step towards building your positive attitude, you need to have a quick review of your present situation. To evaluate and ascertain where you begin with, is an appropriate step so that you can constantly review and monitor your progress. To be effective, you have to assess your attitude objectively. This task may be difficult, especially if you are not aware who you are; where you are heading to; and what is your goal. By doing so, you are able to ascertain your progress with certainty. Through this, you know your required real change and make rectification/modification if this is not what you want.
3. Fan your desire to change
Without real change, there is no improvement. Ironically most people want improvement and at the same time continues to resist change. Change is unavoidable. To take a ride on the changes, you need to be constantly adaptable to changes and move forward. Do not hold on to grudges as they will hold back the changes, which you would otherwise feel much easier to adapt to. Bear in mind that life is in a flux and impermanent. So, you need to think in this manner and maintain this sort of desire to move freely along this wave of change. The crucial question we need to ask ourselves is that “Are we trying to go along the wave or acting against the wave.”
4. Change your thoughts
Remember that our action begin from our thought. To develop positive attitude, you need to constantly feed your mind and heart with the right stuff so that you have the right perspective. By convincing and convicting your mind and heart, you are able to develop your positive attitude. I believe that through the positive attitude, one can only reach his own individual potential to the maximum.
5. Make it a habit
Once you have committed to develop such a positive attitude, you need to shift your thinking to think in that manner and act consistently to your thoughts. By doing repeatedly, you are able to affirm and reaffirm your belief. Ultimately you will naturally behave in this manner till it becomes part of you. Both thinking and habit are well connected because your action will be greatly influenced by the way you think. I believe that your belief system will navigate your decision; thinking and action. All these are well integrated and inter dependent on each other. Bear in mind that repetition is the key to mastery. Repeated action will make it be part of you as it will become your behavior.
6. Manage your attitude daily
Making a decision does not guarantee you success, you need to manage your decision daily so that it does not divert from your ultimate goals. In fact, managing your decision is much more important than decision making. Decision is one off transaction, whereas managing the decision is a daily affair. You need to feed your mind with the appropriate stuff, which can strengthen your mind set and faith. At the same time, you need to constantly and persistently review to ensure that it is in accordance to your goal. You may need to rectify your action should there be any diversion.
Thanks for your precious time and wish you success.
sources by: James Oh
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